Promises to keep for 2013

Promises to Keep in 2013
As the time spent with family, friends and relaxation from life’s normal routines draws to an end and the symbolism and celebration of the New Year has come and gone, we are given an opportunity to reflect on the past year and to set forth our intentions for the coming year. What promises and resolutions will you make for the New Year? Will it be goals on improving your health, weight, money, career, relationships or family? Will you commit and follow through? As you are in the process of setting your goals and resolutions, keep these 3 suggestions in mind for setting “achievable” resolutions.

1. Set a goal that is worthwhile to you. Don’t set a goal because you think someone else would like you to. The thing about your life is just that – it is your life. If losing weight isn’t important to you right now, then don’t set that as a resolution. Rather, choose something meaningful to you. Making changes can be hard since we have become ingrained with old habits. In order to overcome these habits, we often need an intense desire to alter our old ways of thinking and doing. The more meaningful your goal, the more committed you will be to making lasting changes.

2. Determine your goal and then create action steps necessary to achieve that goal. For instance, if your goal is to improve your health, action steps might include getting to bed earlier than normal and eating a balanced diet. Other action steps would certainly be centered on the six essentials of life: 1.What you eat. 2. What you drink. 3. What you breathe. 4. How you exercise. 5. How you rest. 6. What or how you think. Remember to be grateful for all that you have. By being grateful for the things you have, you’ll often find you attract more great things into your life.

3. Small changes as well as small action steps often work best. If you are looking to lose weight, one way to achieve that goal might be to run 10 miles a day. For most folks, however, running 10 miles would not be a reasonable option. A more achievable action step, on the other hand, would be to increase your aerobic exercise by 20 minutes every day. Because this action step is more obtainable, you will more likely follow through day in and day out.
Life is lived one day at a time. Life isn’t about yesterday, nor is it about tomorrow. Rather, life is about today. As Ben Franklin said, “One today is worth two tomorrows.” Each day is special with its unique challenges and opportunities. So remember to make the most of each day. By taking advantage of every day, you’ll find that 30 days from now you’ll be leading a richer, more fulfilling life. If 30 days of living every day can do that, just imagine an entire year of living every day.
The world could use a little more love, especially these days it seems. In the New Year try to be a little more patient and a little more loving with those you meet. Make it part of your resolution over the next 30 days and beyond to show more love to your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and especially yourself.
As you consider the wonderful possibilities of the New Year, consider this Quote:
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
We wish for each of you the very best in the upcoming year. If we can help in any way please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Dr. Mark Holliman and Staff